ponedeljek, 12. julij 2010

Taekwondo combat style

In world of modern martial arts taekwondo is one of most represented. Today we are talking about wtf (world taekwondo federation) which is quite unique by combat style and stance. Taekwondo combat style is not stiff like on example karate style, fighters are having natural stance and movement in ring. Beside that taekwondo style is werry atractive for audience, becouse taekwondo kicks are verry specific and producing a lot of power. A lot of kicks are comming from rotation movement (360 round kick, 540 round kick...) and giving amezament factor. If you wish to fight in ring you must weare protective gear, becouse wtf taekwondo is using full power kicks. Protective gear is light waight and giving fighters freedom to move. You can not compete if you dont weare it, or just some part of it is missing, becouse it could be fatal to you when you get kicked by power of apponent.

More about taekwondo in next posts...

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